Created by Jackky Bhagnani, ‘Dil Juunglee’ stars Taapsee Pannu, Saqib Saleem, RJ Abhilash Thapliyal, Nidhi Singh and Shrishti Srivastava.
Booked for discharge a Februdischarge, this one appears as though it is obviously going to be a wild and insane performer. Saqib and Taapsee’s electric science is something to keep an eye out for in the film. The film is by all accounts an exciting ride overflowing with different feelings like fellowship, love and manly relationship.
As far back as the arrival of the trailer, the film has been arousing the enthusiasm of the groups of onlookers.
Dil Juunglee 2018 Free Download 720p BluRay Created by Jackky Bhagnani, ‘Dil Juunglee’ stars Taapsee Pannu, Saqib Saleem, RJ Abhilash Thapliyal, Nidhi Singh and Shrishti Srivastava.