Written by Tyler Burton Smith, Mikko Rautalahti and directed by Sam Lake and Mikael Kasurinen, Quantum Break follows the story of Jack Joyce, a resident of the fictional town of Riverport, Massachusetts, who, after a time travel experiment goes wrong, gains the ability to control time and must stop a growing fracture in time from bringing about the end of the world.Īnnounced in May 2013, Quantum Break was advertised as an 'entertainment experience' that combined live action scripted television and traditional third person gameplay. It was published and funded by Microsoft Studios, who owns the IP.
Quantum Break is a third-person science fiction action shooter developed by Remedy Entertainment and released worldwide on Apfor the Xbox One and Windows 10 platforms. Information can be remixed or replaced at any time in future edits.
IMPORTANT: Quantum Break (video game) uses Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia ( view authors).